God’s will

Worries, memories and certainties…

Some days I worry about having children. I wonder how Derek and I can possible make time in our lives for another human. We are already trying to juggle our dog around on the days we work late or for a night out…but a human? Babies can’t be left in the backyard or garage with […]

Intentional Community

If you read this with any regularity, you know that many of my blogs are inspired by what the teaching was at church that week. This is yet another such entry. On a side note, I’d like to inform my friend Eric that I still intend to re-listen to his teaching and blog about it. […]


Tonight I went to church, as I am prone to do most Sundays. I happen to attend the church where my brother pastors, Natomas Vineyard. There is something hilarious and surreal about listening to your big brother teach. Then again, we both listened to our dad do the same thing our whole lives so I suppose, […]

2012 Resolutions

I don’t really believe in resolutions. I don’t buy into the thought that the turn of a new year gives you a clean slate. While I understand that people love a reason to start fresh, I believe that any day, any moment in time awards us this opportunity. Waiting until the strike of midnight on December […]

Here is to triumph

I haven’t posted in a while. I have stared at this computer screen dozens of times in the last couple months to start writing something funny, something serious or just to jot down my grocery list for all to read. Each time I sit with my fingers poised over the keys, yet…I couldn’t do it. I […]

Fighting my own demons

It is funny how you think you know someone until they reveal something about themselves that you never knew, nor would you have ever known unless they told you. It happens to me all the time and I am constantly questioning my ability to read other people… It is that premise that leads me to […]

10 years #NeverForget

Where were you the morning of September 10, 2001? You don’t remember? That is funny, I don’t either. Frankly, who cares? That was 10 years ago… Where were you at 5:46am PST on September 11, 2001? I bet you remember. I know I do. I was asleep. I was asleep until at exactly 5:52am when my […]

The end of an era. The beginning of promise

Radio. The all consuming career. If you work in radio then you eat radio, you breathe radio and you dream radio. You field phone calls during all hours of the day, work all hours of the night, can never schedule a weekend out of town and you barely get paid enough to make rent. Living the dream. […]

Ready for something new

Have you ever been ready for something new? Not a complete departure from your day-to-day life, but just something new and different. That is where I am now. I am happy. I love life. I love my husband and my dog and my family and everything personal in my life. I don’t love my professional life. […]

Tortured by “What if”

What do you do when you are 6 years out of college, settled into your life and you finally come to the realization (that has been dawning for quite some time) that you actually know what you might be good at and what might make you happy as a working professional? The answer seems simple doesn’t it? […]